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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Changing our ways

I can honestly say that I am no poster child for change in any circumstance. When change is necessary I am the first to run from it. When I am required to get out of my comfort zone or deviate from the usual for any reason I instantly protest. We can choose to fight change or accept it and move forward. A choice must be made.

Our first step in establishing a healthy lifestyle is making a conscious decision to change. Deciding to change comes from getting real with ourselves, digging deep and facing the truth no matter how ugly it may be. "Am I really happy?" is always a good place to start. If the answer is no, than next would be the "why?" and "How can I change this?"

Admitting to ourselves that we want or need to change is the easy part, but facing the reality of what we need to do and committing to a course of action is another. Chances are that if you are reading this blog you know what I mean. We have all been there. We immediately set ourselves up for failure straight out of the gate because we still haven't learned how to get real. We want instant results, the easy way out. Without instant gratification, we quit and go right back to giving up on ourselves. Sure we might have had success on the x,y,z diet, but once we were done with that plan we still didn't learn how to eat healthy and exercise for life. We were only committed for the moment and not the long haul.

How do we make a real lifelong commitment to the change we decided to make?? By setting small weekly goals, at first, and following up on those goals. "I'm going to cut out all sugar, drink more water and add 20 mins. of cardio 3 days this week and I'm not getting on the scale again until the end of the month." By not putting so much pressure on yourself you are more likely to commit and stay the course.

Still having trouble committing? Ask for help. Let the people around you know what you are doing so they can cheer you on or join you. Get a coach, like me, to help keep you motivated, inspired and accountable. The path to success stems from change. If you want change than bust out of your comfort zone and be the change you want to see. Fall is here. It's time to change.

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